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Search by Keyword or Part Number for Fuses, Blocks, Relays, Breakers, Clips & Other Fuse Products

Enter the product name, part number or a relevant keyword to find Fuses, Circuit Breakers, Fuse Holders, Blocks, Realys, Clips and more that match your query. If no products are found, call us on +61 3 9521 6133 or use our contact form and our friendly staff will be in touch to help you.

Helpful Tips when Searching for Fuses and other Fuse Products

When searching for Fuses, Circuit Breakers, Fuse Holders, Blocks, Realys, Clips and more, here’s some useful tips for getting the best results:

  1. Our search uses partial matching, therefore searching for 'Fuse' will match products containing the word 'Fuse' such as 'M205 Fuse Holders' and '3AG Fuse'.
  2. When searching with 2 or more words, the words will be treated as a phrase - Not individual keywords. Therefore a search for 'Fuse 3AG' will give different results to a search for '3AG Fuse'.
  3. If you cannot find the product when searching with several words try searching with one word at a time eg. '3AG' or 'Fuse'. This will increase your chances of finding a match.
  4. The search is not case sensitive, therefore a = A.
  5. The database is extensive, however if you are unable to find a match, please contact us.
  6. Please check the specifications carefully for any product listed as a ** Cross Reference Match **.
Customer Feedback

" Very impressive shipping time and very professional service together with great products. Well done! "

Chris W
Received 5/1/23

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