ISO Flasher relays for LED lights
We sell flasher relays that are specifically designed to work with LED lights. Because LED lights draw less current and regular bulb lights, a special flasher design is required to ensure the correct timing of the flash sequence. These flashers feature regular ISO terminals. We also sell flasher relays with smaller pin style ISO280 terminals.
1 product
Bussmann No-727-LED Flasher with 6.3mm terminals
Flasher (5 terminals) for 2 to 4 bulbs 12.8VDC
1 product
Bussmann No-758-LED Flasher with 6.3mm terminals
Flasher (3 terminals) for 2 to 6 bulbs 12.8VDC
1 product
Bussmann No-759-LED Flasher with 6.3mm terminals
Flasher (3 terminals) for 2 to 6 bulbs 12.8VDC
1 product
Bussmann No-760-LED Flasher with 6.3mm terminals
Flasher (3 terminals) for 2 to 4 bulbs 12.8VDC