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Neutral BS88 Fuse Links

We sell neutral fuse links which can be inserted into a fuse holder in place of a BS88 style fuse. This changes the circuit from a fuse protected one into a non-fuse protected circuit.

1 product

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (NSD / NS Size)

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (NSD / NS Size)
1 product

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (ESD / ES Size)

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (ESD / ES Size)
1 product

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (NITD / NIT Size)

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (NITD / NIT Size)
1 product

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (AAO / TIA Size)

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (AAO / TIA Size)
1 product

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (BAO / OSD / TIS / OS Size)

BS88 Neutral Fuse Link (BAO / OSD / TIS / OS Size)

Customer Feedback

" Arrived on time and the product is the best on the market. Nothing comes close to the quality for the price. "

Trent R
Received 14/8/23

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